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MIC Elections 2009
Kampung Buah Pala Issue (The High Chaparral)
.What's Happening ?
Member of Parliament
Tamil Song Lyrics

Malaysian Indian Minority and Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2008

Teaching Maths & Science in English?

PM Najib Has Split and divided the Indians

Senator S. Ramakrishnan, 6/1/2012 -- The prime minister has recruited a personal assistant for Indian affairs who report directly to him. MIC leaders now have to go through him to reach the prime minister. MIC has become just a show piece without any power to decide on the Indian community. (......more)

MIC’s subservient and self sentered support for UMNO has eroded the basic human rights of Malaysian Indians

Senator S. Ramakrishnan, 3/1/2012 -- Race Relation Act is needed to eliminate racial discrimination in public and private sector employment, entrance to university and matriculation levels, open tender in government procurements and providing equal opportunities in employment. (.....more)





The modern Midland Tamil school is our pride

Senator S. Ramakrishnan , 15/4/2012

While the Prime Minister is going around promising to upgrade Tamils, the Selangor state government together with the support of Midland Tamil school Board of Governors has built a Tamil school which looks like a college. This effort of a state government is unprecedented and a welcomed effort. The new school complex stands majestically beside the old run down school building. The Selangor Menteri Besar declared open the new school building which includes a convention centre yesterday (15/4/2012). The first Tamil school with a convention centre. It was a proud moment for the state government, parents, teachers, board of Governors and students and all those who were present. Apparently the school teachers and headmistress were told not to attend this opening ceremony by Selangor Menteri Besar by the Selangor education department. To UMNO BN their political interest supersedes the crying call of Indian community.  But the new Midland convention centre was filled to the brim by people who were proud to be present during the opening ceremony.

midlands tamil school

It was announced by the Menteri Besar during his speech that the school building with the state of art facilities was completed with a state grant of RM3 million and the school board of governors raised RM1.7 million. Well the same building would have cost the federal government at least RM 10 million. If a college like building is built for RM5 million whereas federal government builds Tamil school for RM9/10 million, look at the level of overpricing and corruption in government expenditure. The Prime minister has been making a series of announcement that RM440 million will be spent on the reconstruction and upgrading of Tamil Schools. Well, how much of the millions spent on the reconstruction of Tamil schools would go to crony contractors or rechanneled back to the government? Based on the assessment of informed sources Tamil schools will only get 1/3 of the building value due to overpricing and UMNO cronies getting the jobs.  

The local MIC leaders who fought hard to sabotage and hijack the building of Midland school may not know where to show their faces. They were against the building of this school which is beside the old present school because the state could only allocate 3 acres of land. The present location is ideal because the school is surrounded by flats and houses from where the students come from. What is needed now is the demolition of old rundown school building and turn into a field. Then it will be the best school in whole of Malaysia.

BN Indian leaders must realise that they could not have build such a state of art Tamil school under the UMNO regime. Therefore they must put aside their political difference and work for the betterment of the Indian community. Unfortunately knowing the current state of affairs in BN on the ground level, this is a tall order to ask for. BN do not have dynamic generals and dedicated soldiers to uplift Indian community. All the goodies announced by PM are election handouts without any policy change. Committed Indian leaders in BN have given up hope on UMNO and left or retired. It’s high time that the Indian community become politically aware about what is happening around and be prepared to adapt to new changes. Politics have changed in Malaysia after 2008. Past achievements and contributions are forgotten and therefore Indian community must reposition itself to remain relevant to the political changes. Agencies like Minnal FM and other government news providers will keep feeding Indians with government propagandas. The community must know who are friends and enemies.   There are a lot of obstacles placed to prevent Indians from being kept informed on the larger political changes. The poor and rural Indians have to join their urban cousins to become a political block. Change we must. It’s now or never.


makkal osai 160412
midlands tamil school

1 Midlands Tamil school “feat” : But 480 years to complete similarly rebuilding rest of 96 Selangor Tamil schools. –P.Uthayakumar.

April 16, 2012 | Author s.jayathas HRP


Copy of MO Midlands tamil school


This three storey Midlands Tamil school Shah Alam building had been reported to be rebuilt on a four acre piece of land (land title in the name of the school is unascertainable). This RM4.9 Million three storey school of which RM3 Million was paid for by the Pakatan Rakyat (P.R.) Selangor state government and the rest from donors and donations from the pre existing Indian poor is reported to have 24 classrooms, 1 computer and science lab, a Convention Centre which can accommodate 1,800/ 3,000 people (but which the school does not have exclusive control and use and with only 30% of the profits from private functions going to this school).

The P.R. Selangor State government’s “cause celebre” in the rebuilding of 1 Midlands Tamil school after 5 long years! In a full blown pomp and grandeur propoganda, full page colour advertisements in all four Tamil dailies on 14/4/2012, the eve of the “grand finale” after a series of buildups and in the headlines of all four of today’s Tamil dailies. We appreciate this good effort. But how come we have never heard and/or do not see or hear this magnitude of propoganda when it is such opening of a Malay, Chinese, Islamic or even an Orang Asli school? Why? Even in the colonial era days when my two storey gigantic Primary English School Tumpat, Kelantan was built in the 1950s’ nestled around our remote attap roof fishing village, there was never this level of pomp and grandeur.

Propoganda because by virtue of Article 12 of the Federal Constitution “There shall be no discrimination in providing education out of the funds of a Public Authority”. Further Section 28 of the United Nations (U.N) Convention on the Rights of the Child provides for compulsory and free primary school education for all children. This was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in November 1989. Malaysia ratified the convention in 1995. In fact according to Section 29A(1) of the Education Amendment Act 2002 (Act A1152), the government has made primary education compulsory for all children aged 6. Parents who fail to enroll their children would be liable to a maximum jail term of six months or a 5,000 ringgit fine or both. Secondary education is not yet compulsory. Education is provided free to all children.

Why the cause celebre for even this very basic necessity primary school education. We are no Somalia or Bangladesh! Why this a la UMNO/BN piecemeal 1 off Tamil school as per the Malay proverb “Ayam telor sebiji rioh sekampong” Where is the change? Ubah?. Why not the wholesome all 97 Tamil schools in Selangor similarly built all in one go and put to a finality the pathetic and cow shed like Tamil schools in Selangor by the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor State government. Political expediency? 13th General Elections political gimmick?

We would have had reason to join the front rows of this celebration (if invited) had the rest of the 96 Tamil schools in Selangor been similarly rebuild in Pakatan Rakyat’s 5 years of rule of Selangor.

Based on the aforesaid “feat” our arithmetic reveals that it would take at least 480 long years for Pakatan Rakyat to complete rebuilding all the rest of the 96 Tamil schools in Selangor on par with this 1 Midlands Tamil school!

Long and Close acquaintance with UMNO has blurred MCA vision

Senator S. Ramakrishnan , 4/4/2012 -- MCA president Datuk Chua Soi Lek says the number one enemy of MCA is DAP. He wants the MCA to wipe out DAP by getting the people’s support in Chinese community majority seats and emerge stronger. (.....more)

DONG JIA ZONG group has shown the exit door to MCA

Senator S. Ramakrishnan, 27/3/2012 -- Tamil schools are worse off then Chinese schools but the community is blissfully ignorant and living in a make believe world where all are fine. Well, unless we become informed and act firmly, nothing is going to change for Tamil schools under UMNO BN rule. (.....more)

SRJK(T) Bangi is riddled and strangled by MIC bad hats

21/3/2012, Senator S. Ramakrishnan -- MIC local warlords have made Tamil School remain primitive and keep it un-conducive and dilapidated conditions for studies. They are not interested in children’s education. The parents are held at ransom and helpless. (.......more)

Top 100 Indian students should be sent to top 100 universities

20/3/2012, Senator S. Ramakrishnan -- Mr. PM why not send the top 100 Indian students to at least one of the top 100 universities to do their post graduate studies and offer important positions when they return so that they can be actively involved in nation building. (......more)

Can Najib deliver his promises?

Senator S.Ramakrishnan, 18/2/2012 -- When come to garlanding VIPs and hero worshipping, nobody can beat the Indians especially the MIC leaders. They can be very innovative and grandeur in bestowing praises and apple polishing. The huge flower garland sized for 2 persons, the prime minister and his wife at one go, speaks volumes of Batu Cave temple chairman Datuk Nadarajah’s ability to apple polish and showering praises. (.....more

Tamil schools need to transform to remain relevant

Senator S. Ramakrishnan  , 13/2/2012 -- The MIC influence and traits must be wiped out of Tamil Schools to redeem the dignity and pride of Tamil education. In the past most Tamil School heads were MIC branch chairmen. They made Tamil Schools an extension of MIC patronage. (.....more)

UMNO insults and degrades non Malays but no qualm robbing them their share of wealth

Senator S. Ramakrishnan , 30/1/2012 -- The educated and informed Malays could see the duplicity and self enriching actions of UMNO leadership.  Majority of Malays are still vulnerable and affected by the economic uncertainties and very dependent on government aid. (....more)

After 54 years should Malaysian Indians still keep nambikai (faith) in BN

Senator S. Ramakrishnan, ik 26/1/2012 -- Each time the PM is hard pressed by some scandal or allegation by PR, some offers are promised for the Indian community. Last week PM Datuk Najib announced that Datuk Palanivel is now the lead minister. Datuk Palanivel the MIC president is already the ministerfor the socio-economic development of the Indian community in the PMO. (...more)




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