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Samy Vellu: Vote wisely

source: bernama news

The Star
Friday September 11, 2009
Samy slams Subra again

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has levelled another accusation against his former deputy Datuk S. Subramaniam, saying the challenger for the MIC deputy presidency had disgraced the party by seeking the endorsement of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said Subramaniam’s move to seek the help of Dr Mahathir in his bid to win the post was a “desperate act”, adding that this had incurred the wrath of many branch and division leaders.

“How cheap and desperate can a man be?” he asked, referring to a report in the Tamil daily Makkal Osai which quoted Dr Mahathir as saying that MIC delegates should vote for Subramaniam.

“It appears that Subramaniam has lost his support in the MIC and has to seek outside help to prop up his support among the delegates. He has lost whatever credibility that was left in him,” he added in a statement.

Samy Vellu said that he was extremely angry and sad that Subramaniam had allowed an outsider to meddle in the party’s affairs.

samy vellu
k p samy
K P Samy: End Endorsement Bernama News (T), NTV 7 Eng
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