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workers union slammed for failures Ajinder Kaur 4:51pm, Wed: The National Union of Plantation Workers has been accused
of The Plantation Workers Support Committee (PWSC) today warned that
the "With dwindling membership and loss of what little influence
it had in the past, "NUPW's failure is the reason why the workers have been turning
more to She also slammed NUPW's executive secretary A Navamukundan and general "Navamukundan claimed that the workers were leaving the plantations
because "We feel while that may be true, what he failed to admit is the
abject failure of Letchimi added that until today, housing conditions in most estates
in rural areas "After years of negotiating, what has the union achieved? If
the days of picket or 'Cosmetic change' According to Letchimi, the recently concluded palm oil collective
agreement She added the union had contended that the RM325 agreed upon with
Mapa was "This shows that the colonial wage system that was daily-based
and determined "Therefore, the new monthly wage system is merely a cosmetic
change in order to She also questioned Sankaran's accusation that the workers and NGOs
were "What is unreasonable? Is the workers demand for fair wage and
better living Idealism and reality She pointed out that while her organisation had asked for a minimum
wage of This, she said, included the Malaysian Trade Union Congress, which
is seeking a Yet, she lamented, the national union was calling all of them idealists
while the On Monday, Navamukundan urged NGOs to "check their facts first"
and not exploit He added that such groups should also understand the difference between Meanwhile, Sankaran had said that estate workers must understand the
value of They were both speaking after attending the recent NUPW northern region's
7:34pm, Wed: Plantation workers cannot be treated as a profit-making
commodity Plantation Workers' Support Committee co-ordinator Kohila Yanasekaran
said that "Likewise, if elected representatives cannot address the people's
views, then they Kohila was responding to National Unity and Community Development
Ministry Veerasingam was also quoted as saying that workers should not be exploited
by The MIC, he said, could instead hold talks to reduce house prices
from RM42,000 Selling land Kohila said, however, contrary to Veerasingam's statement "which
seems to be "Today, after MIC has failed miserably in obtaining a decent
monthly wage for "Veerasingam must bear in mind that it was the MIC which was
shouting in its She added that it was impossible for the workers to pay RM25,000 for
a house "Our research shows that most estate owners are converting their
estates to "These companies just need to sell, at the most, two bungalow
lots and they will Economic status She also pointed out that social problems were influenced by the economic
status "So, if the economic problem is not solved, how can the social
problems be "Veerasingam only seems to seek simple short-cuts rather than
address the key Meanwhile, Keadilan national publicity bureau assistant secretary
N Rajen Diran "Is this a direct backhanded admission that the MIC has failed
to resolve the "If it is so, then even the token representation that the MIC
has offered the |
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